Strategies: Sea - Jailer of Faith
- Spawn Conditions
- Trade a High-Quality Euvhi Organ to the ??? on the second floor of the Garden of Ru'Hmet in one of the 5 towers
- ??? disappears after 30 minutes and reappears 1 minute later in any tower
- ??? respawns 15 minutes after Faith's death
- HQ organs have a 5-10% drop rate off of the Aw'euvhis in the Garden of Ru'Hmet
- Drops
- Faith Torque (MND/H2H/Marksmanship)
- Faith Baghnakhs
- Third Virtue
- Party
- MNK/NIN (higher HP races preferred)
- THF/WHM (TH and Status Removal)
- A second BRD and/or BLMs can speed up the fight
- Euvhi (18,000-25,000 HP?)
- BLM (no Double Attack)
- Hard to keep shadows up due to Slowga spam
- Immune to Stun, Slow, Elegy, Bind, Paralyze
- Builds resistance to Gravity
- After a wipe, will go back to spawn and is not aggressive
- Kill the Ghrah and Euvhi near the pop area
- MNK should save tp so they can ws at the start of the fight
- Position the MNK near the door, with the mages over 15' away
- THF flees, pops Faith, and runs past the MNK
- MNK grabs Faith with Chi Blast and WS to establish hate
Fighting Faith
- MNK DD tanks fulltiming Counterstance
- BRD keeps up double marches on the MNK, using Pianissimo to stay out of AoE range
- If there is a second BRD, use double Minuets as well
- Faith's Slow abilities are very potent: THF casts Erase and RDM casts Haste quickly, MNK must wait until rehasted to cast shadows
Recovering if the tank dies
- If the tank dies, RDM Alacrity+Gravity and kite until the MNK recovers
- Anyone who doesn't have hate, stay out of the way of the kiter
- When he stops to cast spells, make sure you are 30' away to avoid getting hit
- Spells
- Slowga (very potent, 100% slow, overwrites Haste)
- Breakga
- Stonega III (~1000 damage, easily countered with a Cure V)
- Stone IV
- Quake II (while Manafont is active)
- Axial Bloom
- AoE Bind
- Ignores shadows
- Efflorescent Foetor
- Cone Blind and Silence
- Blind will appear in the chatlog, Silence does not
- Ignores shadows
- Fiscid Nectar
- Cone Slow
- Ignores Shadows
- Overwrites Haste
- Morning Glory
- 10' AoE damage
- Absorbed by shadows
- Nutrient Absorption
- Single target Drain
- Absorbed by shadows
- Stupor Spores
- AoE damage and Sleep
- Ignores shadows
- Vertical Cleave
- Single high damage attack
- Ignores shadows