
Strategies: Sea - Jailer of Faith

Spawn Conditions
Trade a High-Quality Euvhi Organ to the ??? on the second floor of the Garden of Ru'Hmet in one of the 5 towers
??? disappears after 30 minutes and reappears 1 minute later in any tower
??? respawns 15 minutes after Faith's death
HQ organs have a 5-10% drop rate off of the Aw'euvhis in the Garden of Ru'Hmet
Faith Torque (MND/H2H/Marksmanship)
Faith Baghnakhs
Third Virtue
MNK/NIN (higher HP races preferred)
THF/WHM (TH and Status Removal)
A second BRD and/or BLMs can speed up the fight



  1. Kill the Ghrah and Euvhi near the pop area
  2. MNK should save tp so they can ws at the start of the fight
  3. Position the MNK near the door, with the mages over 15' away
  4. THF flees, pops Faith, and runs past the MNK
  5. MNK grabs Faith with Chi Blast and WS to establish hate
Positioning Diagram

Fighting Faith

Recovering if the tank dies


Slowga (very potent, 100% slow, overwrites Haste)
Stonega III (~1000 damage, easily countered with a Cure V)
Stone IV
Quake II (while Manafont is active)
Axial Bloom
AoE Bind
Ignores shadows
Efflorescent Foetor
Cone Blind and Silence
Blind will appear in the chatlog, Silence does not
Ignores shadows
Fiscid Nectar
Cone Slow
Ignores Shadows
Overwrites Haste
Morning Glory
10' AoE damage
Absorbed by shadows
Nutrient Absorption
Single target Drain
Absorbed by shadows
Stupor Spores
AoE damage and Sleep
Ignores shadows
Vertical Cleave
Single high damage attack
Ignores shadows